Hey guys. No words.

Thanks for another great year!

Thank you so much for yesterday and so many “typically amazing” years in Central Park. 25 of them!!! Yesterday was the very, VERY best way to put a button on the season and to start looking forward to “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert”. (You can grab tickets HERE.)

No kidding. Our photographer friends David Hayase and Sean Friedman were out there again, so I’ll be back tomorrow and all week with photos, maybe some video. But every time I get to share music and laughs with all of you it’s special. And every time Teresa Reynolds shows up it’s incredible. It was a kick that my pal Roger Bartlett came out with his axe for the last day. It’s always so, SO cool making music with him. And every time Frankie helps out with a song or two it’s sweet beyond words.  And y’know? I gotta thank you to all of you who showed up in the Concert Window again yesterday. (We’ll start cranking up an off-season version of “The Weekly Show” again soon.)

But you… YOU. You guys who sit on that grass. You guys who are “the People on the Hill”. I’ll never find the words to allow me to do what I love and make a living doing it. I’ll never be able express the incredible depth of my Gratitude. So… at the end of year 25 I’ll just say what I always say…



Y’know what? Before anything else, why don’t you call a few friends, make plans and grab tickets sooner than later. Merkin Concert Hall is a beautiful venue,m but there are only about 500 seats. So don’t risk getting sold out this year. (It’s gonna be a very special night.)

Here…. click on the banner below and make sure you get the seats you really want for Saturday, December 3.


Don’t miss this one. I say this all the time, but we really do laugh as much as we sing every year. Get the best seats right now. Call a few friends and plan to make a night of it. On Saturday night, December 3rd I’m gonna be sharing the stage again with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Okay, gonna leave you now with just a few images of what I’ve been doing for the past 25 years with a guitar on my shoulder in the backyard of the town I  love.






There’s always lots of really current and fun stuff on FACEBOOK, too. You can send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out. See you tomorrow.




Let’s get to Central Park!!!

I did speak with Teresa Reynolds and she’s gonna stop by. When she comes out, she always gets a microphone. Listen… I’ve been “That Guitar Man from Central Park” for the past quarter century. Seriously. An entire generation. We’ve seen so much together. We’ve been through so much together. TODAY feels like something special to me. It is the day we wrap up year #25.


It’s one of those days when we will be warm in the Sun, and really chilly in the shade. The Sun is lower in the sky these days, so bring a sweater or wear a jacket. But come and help me say goodbye to another “typically amazing” season. I’m so grateful for the thousands and thousands of you sweet people with whom I got to share music and laughs, stories and thought and feelings this year. Let’s all share one more special day together.

If you’re in New York City I hope I see you in person. I’ll crank up around 12:30 or 1:00 and play all afternoon. If you live in another part of the country or another part of the world, or if you just can’t make it out to the park… JOIN US LIVE ONLINE! Let’s try to set a record for the biggest Concert Window audience we’ve ever had, okay? It’ll be fun. We can all show up online at 3:00 (eastern –  noon on the West coast) And I’ll watch what you guys are dong in the chat room in real time… requests and questions and whatnot. cool?

START CALLING A FEW FRIENDS IN DIFFERENT CITIES OR COUNTRIES AND INVITE THEM TO MEET US ONLINE TODAY. Click on this banner to set it up. Then just log-in a little before we go LIVE.


Also… if you live here in New York City, I hope you’re making plans to join us on Saturday December 3. TELL YOU ABOUT THAT IN THE PARK TODAY!


I’ll talk about the concert in the park tomorrow. But I just wanna let you know that the tickets for this year’s “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” are on sale and they’re already moving. If you’ve ever been to one of these things over the years you know how much fun we have. and if you’ve never been to one, this might be the perfect time to call a few friends and plan to come to this one. This is gonna be a special night because this year, we’re wrapping up 25 years in Central Park. (Pretty f*cking amazing.) And we’re gonna celebrate. I’m gonna share the stage with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Listen, I’ll be back here all week posting photos and video and stuff as I get more familiar with this “temporary” website. But there’s always lots of great stuff on FACEBOOK, too. Why don’t you send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



TOMORROW… one mo’ time!


Hey guys… the weather is looking just a little better than “perfect” for our last day together in Central Park for 2016. This has been another typically amazing year. (Okay. Okay, we ran into a rotten string of weather for a stretch there. But all in all… man! What a lucky man I am.) So if you’re in New York City I hope I see you in person. I’ll crank up around 12:30 or 1:00 and play all afternoon. I’m thinking Teresa Reynolds will come out to put a button on the “outdoor” season with me. So it’s gonna be another special day.

If you live in another part of the country or another part of the world, or if you just can’t make it out to the park tomorrow… JOIN US LIVE ONLINE!

Let’s try to set a record for the biggest Concert Window audience we’ve ever had, okay? It’ll be fun. We can all show up online at 3:00 (eastern –  noon on the West coast) And I’ll watch what you guys are dong in the chat room in real time… requests and questions and whatnot. cool?

START CALLING A FEW FRIENDS IN DIFFERENT CITIES OR COUNTRIES AND INVITE THEM TO MEET US ONLINE TOMORROW. Click on this banner to set it up. Then just log-in a little before we go LIVE.


Also… if you live here in New York City, I hope you’re making plans to join us on Saturday December 3.


I’ll talk about the concert in the park tomorrow. But I just wanna let you know that the tickets for this year’s “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” are on sale and they’re already moving. If you’ve ever been to one of these things over the years you know how much fun we have. and if you’ve never been to one, this might be the perfect time to call a few friends and plan to come to this one. This is gonna be a special night because this year, we’re wrapping up 25 years in Central Park. (Pretty f*cking amazing.) And we’re gonna celebrate. I’m gonna share the stage with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Listen, I’ll be back here all week posting photos and video and stuff as I get more familiar with this “temporary” website. But there’s always lots of great stuff on FACEBOOK, too. Why don’t you send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



“The Final Saturday” comin’ up…

Hey guys… okay. We got rained out again this past Saturday. But it’s been another “typically amazing” year in Central Park. So much music, so many smiles, so many laughs, so many sweet moments and memories. SO MANY PEOPLE… from all over the city, all across the country and different parts of the world. So after we hang together at “The Hill” just one more time this coming Saturday, I think we should wrap up year #25 in a really special way on Saturday night December 3.


Y’know what? Before anything else, why don’t you call a few friends, make plans and grab tickets sooner than later. Merkin Concert Hall is a beautiful venue,m but there are only about 500 seats. So don’t risk getting sold out this year. (It’s gonna be a very special night.)

Here…. click on the banner below and make sure you get the seats you really want for Saturday, December 3.


Don’t miss this one. I say this all the time, but we really do laugh as much as we sing every year. Get the best seats right now. Call a few friends and plan to make a night of it. On Saturday night, December 3rd I’m gonna be sharing the stage again with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Okay, gonna leave you now with just a few images of what I’ve been doing for the past 25 years with a guitar on my shoulder in the backyard of the town I  love.






There’s always lots of really current and fun stuff on FACEBOOK, too. You can send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out. See you tomorrow.



Oh man!!! Hard Luck Summer weather-wise…

Well… we tried.

I’ll have photos from our rain-shortened little gig in the park Saturday, and from the LIVE stream we did later that afternoon to make up for it. (Photographers Sean Friedman and Sindy Schneider both showed up, even though the weather looked so shitty.) Y’know? I kinda hope you guys who were out there…. from now on… I hope you really understand the dilemma I find myself in on the “iffy” weather days. At the last minute we thought, “Okay, let’s try it.” Even though the radar was looking like it might start raining around 2:00, The Weather Channel was predicting the rain wouldn’t begin until 7:00. So… we tried.

But every Saturday humping equipment the weight equivalent of a small Toyota is quite a weekly undertaking. And yesterday once everything was in the park, sound checked and ready to go… the rain began on the FIRST SONG!!! So the fire drill commences and we re-pack everything… wet and muddy… onto the wagon and run for it. Just a bummer. BUT… thank you to all of you who still showed up at 3:00eastern for the LIVE stream, because we did it from a friend’s apartment on the Upper West side. Turned into a kind of a fun little gig.

NOW… next weekend is the final weekend of the 2016 season. So please, keep all your fingers and toes crossed for a spectacularly beautiful day. We’ll close out our 25th summer together and then get ready for “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert”. If you live here in New York City, I hope you’re making plans to join us on Saturday December 3.


I’ll be back all week with photos and stuff. But I just wanna let you know that the tickets for this year’s “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” are on sale and they’re already moving. If you’ve ever been to one of these things over the years you know how much fun we have. and if you’ve never been to one, this might be the perfect time to call a few friends and plan to come to this one. This is gonna be a special night because this year, we’re wrapping up 25 years in Central Park. (Pretty f*cking amazing.) And we’re gonna celebrate. I’m gonna share the stage with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Listen, I’ll be back here all week posting photos and video and stuff as I get more familiar with this “temporary” website. But there’s always lots of great stuff on FACEBOOK, too. Why don’t you send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.






Okay… let’s try to squeeze one in. If you live here in New York, I hope I see you out there in Central Park today. I’ll crank up around 1:00 and play all afternoon. And if you live in a different part of the country or a different part of the world, we’ll stream LIVE right here to your computer starting around 3:00 (eastern)


Also… if you live here in New York City, I hope you’re making plans to join us on Saturday December 3.


Before I tell you guys about my thoughts for this weekend, I just wanna let you know that the tickets for this year’s “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” are on sale and they’re already moving. If you’ve ever been to one of these things over the years you know how much fun we have. and if you’ve never been to one, this might be the perfect time to call a few friends and plan to come to this one. This is gonna be a special night because this year, we’re wrapping up 25 years in Central Park. (Pretty f*cking amazing.) And we’re gonna celebrate. I’m gonna share the stage with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Listen, I’ll be back here all week posting photos and video and stuff as I get more familiar with this “temporary” website. But there’s always lots of great stuff on FACEBOOK, too. Why don’t you send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



Tough day to call…

Well… these are always a tough call.

Okay… these are tough days to call. I’m watching the satellite and the radar. The forecast is giving us a 35%chance of rain by 3:00… a little worse after that. So I’m gonna give it a few hours to see if it’s gonna be worth humping all the equipment to the park, only to get rained on like we have a few times this season. I’ll try to make the call one way or the other in a few hours.


If I DO see you in Central Park today, I’ll crank up around 1:00 and play all afternoon or until the rain starts. And if you live in a different part of the country or a different part of the world, we’ll stream LIVE right here to your computer starting around 3:00 (eastern)

If it’s looking like a rain-out, we’ll stream LIVE at the same time right from my apartment. So  hope I see you either way today.


Also… if you live here in New York City, I hope you’re making plans to join us on Saturday December 3.


Before I tell you guys about my thoughts for this weekend, I just wanna let you know that the tickets for this year’s “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” are on sale and they’re already moving. If you’ve ever been to one of these things over the years you know how much fun we have. and if you’ve never been to one, this might be the perfect time to call a few friends and plan to come to this one. This is gonna be a special night because this year, we’re wrapping up 25 years in Central Park. (Pretty f*cking amazing.) And we’re gonna celebrate. I’m gonna share the stage with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Listen, I’ll be back here all week posting photos and video and stuff as I get more familiar with this “temporary” website. But there’s always lots of great stuff on FACEBOOK, too. Why don’t you send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.





Beautiful day in New York City today. I’m keeping my eye on the radar and the satellite imagery. The forecast earlier in the week was terrible, then it was lookin’ better…. but now? I honestly don’t know. We only have 2 more Saturdays left in our outdoor season. So if there is any way I can get out to Central Park tomorrow… I’ll be there! Crank up around 1:00 and play all afternoon.

CHECK BACK IN THE MORNING. But listen… if we get rained-out, I’ll do what we did last weekend, okay? I’ll stream LIVE from my apartment starting around 3:00. (In spite of the rain, we had a good time last Saturday.) And if we DO get to the park tomorrow and you live in a different part of the country or a different part of the world, we’ll stream LIVE from “The Hill” right here to your computer starting around 3:00 (eastern)



Listen, I have some really fun stuff to tell you about “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert”. I’ll either do that in the park… or on “The Weekly Show”.  But right now I just wanna let you know that the tickets for this year’s gig are on sale, and they’re already moving. If you’ve ever been to one of these things over the years you know how much fun we have. And if you’ve never been to one, this might be the perfect time to call a few friends and plan to come to this one. This is gonna be a special night because this year, we’re wrapping up 25 years in Central Park. (Pretty f*cking amazing.) And we’re gonna celebrate. I’m gonna share the stage with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Listen, I’ll be back here all week posting photos and video and stuff as I get more familiar with this “temporary” website. But there’s always lots of great stuff on FACEBOOK, too. Why don’t you send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.





Before I tell you guys about my thoughts for this weekend, I just wanna let you know that the tickets for this year’s “The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” are on sale and they’re already moving. If you’ve ever been to one of these things over the years you know how much fun we have. and if you’ve never been to one, this might be the perfect time to call a few friends and plan to come to this one. This is gonna be a special night because this year, we’re wrapping up 25 years in Central Park. (Pretty f*cking amazing.) And we’re gonna celebrate. I’m gonna share the stage with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.


I’m keeping my eye on the radar and the satellite imagery. The forecast earlier in the week was terrible, but it seems to be getting a little better every day we get closer to the weekend. We only have 2 more Saturdays left in our outdoor season. So if there is any way I can get out to Central Park… I’ll be there! Crank up around 1:00 and play all afternoon. And if you live in a different part of the country or a different part of the world, we’ll stream LIVE right here to your computer starting around 3:00 (eastern)


Listen, I’ll be back here all week posting photos and video and stuff as I get more familiar with this “temporary” website. But there’s always lots of great stuff on FACEBOOK, too. Why don’t you send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



A couple of things today…

I guess the first thing is that I’m gonna try my best to get out to Central Park this weekend. After that rotten weather day last Saturday, I’m really missing you guys. And we only have 2 more Saturdays left in our outdoor season. So, keep checking back as it gets closer — and keep your fingers crossed.



Next thing. You’re gonna start seeing those posters go up around the Upper West Side and Upper East Side of Manhattan in the next few weeks. Yeah, it’s that time again…

“The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” is coming up already and the tickets are already selling. So call a few friends, make plans to make a night of it, and come hang with me and the usual suspects! We’ll kick the year in that ass as it heads out the door again. (And by that time… we’ll have a new president and this crap will be over!!!)

Grab tickets this week. Click on the banner below and make sure you get the seats you really want for Saturday, December 3.

Don’t miss this one. I say this all the time, but we really do laugh as much as we sing every year. Get the best seats right now. Call a few friends and plan to make a night of it. On Saturday night, December 3rd I’m gonna be sharing the stage again with George Wurzbach, Chris Tedesco, Dan Paccione, Ryan Cavan and the amazing Teresa Reynolds.

Give yourself something really, really fun to look forward to.

Thanks so much for hangin’ out here at the site. See you in the park this weekend.

