Welcome to the website

Kind of Amazing…

First things first.
We need to be there for each other right now. (More later.)
This has been the most challenging year in Central Park… ever. But y’know, as I make the transition from the Life of a singer/songwriter to a full-time career as a playwright, I never lose sight of what a lucky, lucky man I am.
In fact, a lovely woman in Minnesota just started a GoFundMe campaign to make my work and my Life a little easier.
Click on the image

2024 was another year as “That Guitar Man”…

BUT… for the rest of the year, please think about joining us LIVE online twice a week. It’s a LIVE music gig called “It’s Just Us”.

It’s really fun and it’s easy to do. If you wanna just check it out, shoot me an email and I’ll hook you up with the private link.
And if you’d like to become a patron so you get the link every week automatically, scroll down to the Patreon banner. 
Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to “THE CRUEL SUMMER FUND” just click on the banner.
And thanks for showing up here
The Parks Department began reseeding  “The Hill” in the middle of May.


Last year we all got together online for a special screening of the musical “Possibility Junkie”. Me and a bunch of sweet people from all across the country and different parts of the world watched the off-Broadway production from a bunch of years back.
It was great. And I got a lot out of the Zoom talk-back afterward.
If you need information about Central Park or the LIVE stream, just shoot me an email: thatguitarman@yahoo.com


A while back I was in Los Angeles where I sat in on a reading of my play “The Green Room”. So when I got back to New York we got together LIVE online… on “It’s Just Us”  @ 4:00 (eastern) to stream the reading and then have a talk-back with everyone who showed up. What a great crowd! And the reading went great! This play is so ready to move.
BTW — If you’re not a patron and would like to check out the LIVE online hang “It’s Just Us”…  just shoot me an email to ask for the private link: thatguitarman@yahoo.com

I feel like the luckiest man alive…

I say it all the time. And I truly hope we all feel that way.
But no kidding. My Life just doesn’t look like most other lives, and yet it’s kinda just what I imagined. I mean, I’ve always been a writer… a playwright. But I’ve gotten to make a sweet living as an under-the-radar singer/songwriter for over 32 years. It’s crazy.


“It’s Just Us”

Hey listen! We’re gonna keep hanging out together all year… LIVE twice a week. Wednesdays we always go LIVE at 4:00 (eastern). We’ll stream LIVE from my studio in The Heights. Weekends too. Check back.
If you join us on Patreon, you get automatic access to ALL of our hangs.



YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a completely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to make a living with the online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want at “It’s Just Us”!


We started doing it at the onset of the pandemic, but it’s so much fun and we’ve made so many wonderful friends that we’re gonna keep it going.


BTW — If you ever want to support my work financially and make a “tax-deductible” donation, I operate under the umbrella of a 510(c)3 called Fractured Atlas. Just click on this banner and help out in whatever way you want.

People have asked me what it feels like to be a “struggling artist”. I tell them… “I don’t know.” I’ve spent a lot of my time looking up at broke. And yet I’ve never been struggling. I LOVE this Life. When I look at the circumstances of my Life… my beautiful partner, my incredible friends and colleagues, my beautiful family, my apartment, the fact that twice a week I hang out online with a worldwide community of music lovers… Damn!!!
Earlier this year I did my annual gig back in The Turks and Caicos Islands. (It’s simply one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.) And then I returned home to the most amazing city on the planet to learn that a wonderful group of artists are doing a reading of my play “The Green Room” in L.A.
This is my 33rd year as “That Guitar Man from Central Park”. And although it’s gotten more challenging in so many ways, I never lose sight of how incredible it is. Our “Year End Concert” to close out 2023 was also amazing on December 16. Thanks to all of the remarkable artists who shared the stage, the amazing people who brought you guys the video stream, the sound guys, the staff at The Kaufman Center… and all of the beautiful people in that theater that night.
Turned up the house lights in the middle of the gig!

Thanks for An Amazing Ride…


Y’know, even as I make the transition from singer/songwriter to a career as a playwright, I still have a LOT of music to share with you guys! So we’ll keep doing these online gigs. So in the meantime, if you would like to become a patron, click on that banner up there.
We sing together. We dance together. And we don’t even hafta leave our homes. Fun people from New York City, California, West Virginia, Maine, Missouri, Indiana, Long Island, The Netherlands, The UK, Spain, Estonia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Las Vegas, North Carolina, Arkansas, Maryland…


Thanks for being in the audience

Last year we took a run at a magnificent theatrical experiment and a lot of were a part of it… maybe the most important part. The audience. I assembled a cast of Tony Award winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of this audacious script. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer)


Looks like this play has found a few Creative champions to move it to Broadway, probably later this year. It will be my first on Broadway and kick the door open for a few other plays and musicals. I’ll let you all know!!!
After the reading that night we’ll all retreated back to my Facebook page for comments and discussion. It was very cool.
Before that, we enjoyed a LIVE reading of my newest play “THE GREEN ROOM” in Los Angeles.
I feels like the time is right to sit in the dark with you guys and allow my characters to help hasten the arrival of the day that all “religion” becomes a memory for the human race. A percentage of my work is always dedicated to that goal… but I have my own fun way of making that a reality one day.


Even though our entire season in Central Park was kinda weird in 2023…  we’re making some new and exciting things happen in 2024.

No kidding. Last summer was a very weird season in Central Park, but it was another year I had the privilege of being “That Guitar Man from Central Park”. I wanna sincerely thank every single one of you who showed up, even for one day out there at “The Hill” You make me feel like the luckiest man alive. Here are a whole bunch of photos from our time together.


Incredible. I love this town!!! I’m such a lucky man!












Every week we turn the path into a dance floor.













I’m still consistently amazed. Every time… just blown away by what I get to do with a guitar on my shoulder.




NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?


Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



Lucky man……


A while back I was in Los Angeles where I sat in on a reading of my play “The Green Room”. So when I got back to New York we got together LIVE online… on “It’s Just Us”  @ 3:00 (eastern) to stream the reading and then have a talk-back with everyone who showed up. What a great crowd! And the reading went great!

This play is so ready to move.

BTW — If you’re not a patron and would like to check out the LIVE online hang “It’s Just Us”…  just shoot me an email to ask for the private link:


I feel like the luckiest man alive…

I say it all the time. And I truly hope we all feel that way.
But no kidding. My Life just doesn’t look like most other lives, and yet it’s kinda just what I imagined. I mean, I’ve always been a writer… a playwright. But I’ve gotten to make a sweet living as an under-the-radar singer/songwriter for over 32 years. It’s crazy.
People have asked me what it feels like to be a “struggling artist”. I tell them… “I don’t know.” I’ve spent a lot of my time looking up at broke. And yet I’ve never been struggling. I LOVE this Life. When I look at the circumstances of my Life… my beautiful partner, my incredible friends and colleagues, my beautiful family, my apartment, the fact that twice a week I hang out online with a worldwide community of music lovers… Damn!!!
Earlier this year I did my annual gig back in The Turks and Caicos Islands. (It’s simply one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.) And then I returned home to the most amazing city on the planet to learn that a wonderful group of artists are doing a reading of my play “The Green Room” in L.A.
Last summer I wrapped my 32nd year as “That Guitar Man from Central Park”. And although it was a challenging year in so many ways, it was also incredible. Our “Year End Concert” to close out 2023 was also amazing on December 16. Thanks to all of the remarkable artists who shared the stage, the amazing people who brought you guys the video stream, the sound guys, the staff at The Kaufman Center… and all of the beautiful people in that theater.
Turned up the house lights in the middle of the gig!

Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


“It’s Just Us”

Hey listen! We’re gonna keep hanging out together all year… LIVE twice a week. Wednesdays we always go LIVE at 4:00 (eastern). We’ll stream LIVE from my studio in The Heights. Weekends too. Check back.
If you join us on Patreon, you get automatic access to ALL of our hangs.



YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just UsCLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a completely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to make a living with the online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want at “It’s Just Us”!


We started doing it at the onset of the pandemic, but it’s so much fun and we’ve made so many wonderful friends that we’re gonna keep it going.


BTW — If you ever want to support my work financially and make a “tax-deductible” donation, I operate under the umbrella of a 510(c)3 called Fractured Atlas. Just click on this banner and help out in whatever way you want.

Thanks for Another Year…

Well, we did it again in Central Park… it was another “amazing” season of music and laughs, thoughts and feelings and… Love. And… THAT’S A WRAP for 2023

Y’know, even as I make the transition from singer/songwriter to a career as a playwright, I still have a LOT of music to share with you guys! So we’ll keep doing these online gigs. So in the meantime, if you would like to become a patron, click on that banner up there.
We sing together. We dance together. And we don’t even hafta leave our homes. Fun people from New York City, California, West Virginia, Maine, Missouri, Indiana, Long Island, The Netherlands, The UK, Spain, Estonia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Las Vegas, North Carolina, Arkansas, Maryland…

Thanks for being in the audience

Last year we took a run at a magnificent theatrical experiment and a lot of were a part of it… maybe the most important part. The audience. I assembled a cast of Tony Award winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of this audacious script. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer)


Looks like this play has found a few Creative champions to move it to Broadway, probably later this year. It will be my first on Broadway and kick the door open for a few other plays and musicals. I’ll let you all know!!!
After the reading that night we’ll all retreated back to my Facebook page for comments and discussion. It was very cool.
Before that, during the height of the pandemic, we enjoyed a LIVE reading of my newest play “GREEN ROOM”. Many of you know I’ve been making a transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright. I feels like the time is right to sit in the dark with you guys and allow my characters to help hasten the day that “religion” becomes a memory for the human race. A percentage of my work is always dedicated to that goal… but I have my own fun way of making that a reality one day.


Over the course of the past year+ we started to Create music videos together… to help keep us sane and connected. Here’s the most recent video a bunch of you jumped in on. CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4

Even though our entire season in Central Park was kinda weird in 2023…  we’re making some new and exciting things happen in 2024.

No kidding. Last summer was an abbreviated and very weird season in Central Park, but it was another year I had the privilege of being “That Guitar Man from Central Park”. I wanna sincerely thank every single one of you who showed up, even for one day out there at “The Hill” You make me feel like the luckiest man alive. Here are a whole bunch of photos from our time together.


Incredible. I love this town!!! I’m such a lucky man!
Every week we turn the path into a dance floor.
I’m still consistently amazed. Every time… just blown away by what I get to do with a guitar on my shoulder.




NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?


Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



Another Concert is a Memory

How many different ways can I say “Thank You”?

Our “Year End Concert” was amazing on December 16. Thanks to all of the remarkable artists who shared then stage, the amazing people who brought you guys the video stream, the sound guys, the staff at The Kaufman Center… and all of the beautiful people in the theater.

Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!




“It’s Just Us”

Hey listen! We’re gonna hang out together in the off-season… LIVE twice a week. Wednesdays we always go LIVE at 4:00 (eastern). We will stream LIVE from my studio in The Heights all year. Weekends too. Check back.
If you join us on Patreon, you get automatic access to ALL of our hangs.



YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a completely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to make a living with the online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want at “It’s Just Us”!


We started doing it at the onset of the pandemic, but it’s so much fun and we’ve made so many wonderful friends that we’re gonna keep it going.

Thanks for Another Year…

Well, we did it again in Central Park… it was another “amazing” season of music and laughs, thoughts and feelings and… Love. And… THAT’S A WRAP for 2023

Y’know, even as I make the transition from singer/songwriter to a career as a playwright, I still have a LOT of music to share with you guys! So we’ll keep doing these online gigs. So in the meantime, if you would like to become a patron, click on that banner up there.
We sing together. We dance together. And we don’t even hafta leave our homes. Fun people from New York City, California, West Virginia, Maine, Missouri, Indiana, Long Island, The Netherlands, The UK, Spain, Estonia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Las Vegas, North Carolina, Arkansas, Maryland…

Thanks for being in the audience

Last year we took a run at a magnificent theatrical experiment and a lot of were a part of it… maybe the most important part. The audience. I assembled a cast of Tony Award winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of this audacious script. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer)


Looks like this play has found a few Creative champions to move it to Broadway, probably later this year. It will be my first on Broadway and kick the door open for a few other plays and musicals. I’ll let you all know!!!
After the reading that night we’ll all retreated back to my Facebook page for comments and discussion. It was very cool.
Before that, during the height of the pandemic, we enjoyed a LIVE reading of my newest play “GREEN ROOM”. Many of you know I’ve been making a transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright. I feels like the time is right to sit in the dark with you guys and allow my characters to help hasten the day that “religion” becomes a memory for the human race. A percentage of my work is always dedicated to that goal… but I have my own fun way of making that a reality one day.


Over the course of the past year+ we started to Create music videos together… to help keep us sane and connected. Here’s the most recent video a bunch of you jumped in on. CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4

Even though our entire season in Central Park was kinda weird in 2023…  we’re making some new and exciting things happen in 2024.

No kidding. Last summer was an abbreviated and very weird season in Central Park, but it was another year I had the privilege of being “That Guitar Man from Central Park”. I wanna sincerely thank every single one of you who showed up, even for one day out there at “The Hill” You make me feel like the luckiest man alive. Here are a whole bunch of photos from our time together.


Incredible. I love this town!!! I’m such a lucky man!
Every week we turn the path into a dance floor.
I’m still consistently amazed. Every time… just blown away by what I get to do with a guitar on my shoulder.




NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?


Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



Concert comin’ up……

What a gig!

And I’m just talkin’ about my Life! As I make the transition from a Life in music to a career as a playwright, change is happening all around me. We wrapped our 32nd summer at “The Hill” in Central Park.

NOW… grab tickets to the concert on December 16. (Details down the page.)

Something’th Annual Concert

Like I told you in Central Park, this is the last time our annual tradition will be at Merkin Concert Hall. So I think you’ll wanna be a part of this as we say good bye to both 2023 and the venue we called home for so many years.
Call a few friends, make a plan and grab the seats you really want early. This is the year to fill the place with music and laughs and Love and sweet people… on December 16.
Don’t get sold out of this one!
And if you can’t get to New York City, or you can’t be in the theater with us that  night… watch the concert LIVE online with people from all across the country and around the world.

“It’s Just Us”

At the onset of the pandemic years ago, we created a casual music hang that streams LIVE twice a week. Since then it’s grown into a beautiful, little community of fun people from all across the country and different parts of the world.

We hang out right here at your computer. “It’s Just Us” is a LIVE online music hang with sweet people. It’s a really cool thing.

If you’ve never tried it and you want this week’s link, shoot me an email: thatguitarman@yahoo.com

We usually go LIVE at 4:00. Almost always on Wednesday.  So, I’ll see you mid-week. On the weekends, either Saturday or Sunday… at 4:00. When you join us at Patreon for whatever you’d like to pay, you automatically get email notification about every time we get together. It’s easy and it’s really pretty cool.


YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a fiercely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to keep my head above water with these online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want through PayPal.

Seriously… thank you.
Check my Facebook page to keep in touch. https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman
Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


Things are getting really, really interesting. I have a feeling everything is about to break wide open all at once. (Anybody who jumps on board is in for a fun ride.) Two of my stage plays are very close to getting on their feet… one here in NYC and one out on The West Coast. (Email me and I can tell you more about that:  thatguitarman@yahoo.com.)

BUT — a holiday romantic comedy musical I co-wrote with the brilliant composer David Friedman is being reworked into a made-for-streaming TV movie. That’s another whole new world for me.

I’ll tell you all about this stuff on “It’s Just Us”. See you at the usual time Wednesday… 4:00 (eastern).

MOMENTS from “The Hill”

Thanks for being in the audience

“The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” to close out 2022 was another reason I always feel like the luckiest man alive. Thank you to every one of you who showed up in the theater or watched the gig LIVE online.

Last year we took a run at an audacious theatrical experiment and a lot of you were the most important part of it… the audience. I assemble a cast of Tony Award-winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of one of my scripts that’s now moving forward. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer.)

This play is finding its Creative champions to bring it to Life in this coming year. It will kick the door open for several other scripts. Before the reading of “Jack Flew” at the heights of the pandemic, we mounted a LIVE online reading of my newest play, “THE GREEN ROOM”.

As many of you know, I feel the time has come for me to make the transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright… to get off the stage, sit in the dark with all of you, and allow my characters to speak to the world. Perhaps I can help hasten the day when “religion” is a curious, dark memory for the human race. (I have my own fun way of helping to achieve that goal!)


During the years of the pandemic I figured out a way to Create music videos in which everyone on “It’s Just Us” could participate. What a blast! Here’s just one of them! CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4

NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



EnJoy Thanksgiving…

THANKS… that’s a wrap!

As I make the transition from a Life in music to a career as a playwright, change is happening all around me. We wrapped our 32nd summer at “The Hill” in Central Park.

NOW… grab tickets to the concert on December 16. (Details down the page.)


Take a few minutes to get in the mood. We’re gonna have a great time on Saturday, December 16. But it’s good to remember the power of music in this world. Enjoy this today.


OKAY NOW!!! We’re really enJoying our time hangin’ together LIVE online during the week! We had another fun hang on Wednesday with people from all across the country and around the world. Join us for the next one.

If you’ve never tried it and you want this week’s link, shoot me an email: thatguitarman@yahoo.com



This is the last time our annual musical tradition will be at Merkin Concert Hall. So I think you’ll wanna be a part of this as we say good bye to both 2023 and the venue we’ve called home for so many years.
Call a few friends, make a plan and grab the seats you really want early. This is the year to fill the place with music and laughs and Love and sweet people… on December 16. Don’t get sold out of this one!


I’ll see you LIVE online every week until the December concert.

4:00 (eastern) on Sunday. Check back and we’ll hang out LIVE online!  “It’s Just Us” (Details further down the page.)


We had a great time at “The Hill” this year. The crowds were smaller than usual and the Hill” had fallen into terrible shape. But every time we were out there I shared music and smiles with lots of sweet people from all around the world. Denise sang with me again this season. The Goose Whisperer was on duty. We streamed LIVE from the park. And the songs and messages seemed to really land this year.

Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!

“It’s Just Us”

At the onset of the pandemic years ago, we created a casual music hang that streams LIVE twice a week. Since then it’s grown into a beautiful, little community of fun people from all across the country and different parts of the world. We usually go LIVE on Wednesdays at 4:00.  When you join us at Patreon for whatever you’d like to pay, you automatically get email notification about every time we get together. It’s easy and it’s really pretty cool.


YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a fiercely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to keep my head above water with these online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want through PayPal.

Seriously… thank you.

Check my Facebook page to keep in touch. https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman


Things are getting really, really interesting. I have a feeling everything is about to break wide open all at once. (Anybody who jumps on board is in for a fun ride.) Two of my stage plays are very close to getting on their feet… one here in NYC and one out on The West Coast. (Email me and I can tell you more about that:  thatguitarman@yahoo.com.)

BUT — a holiday romantic comedy musical I co-wrote with the brilliant composer David Friedman is being reworked into a made-for-streaming TV movie. That’s another whole new world for me.

I’ll tell you all about this stuff on “It’s Just Us”.

MOMENTS from “Opening Day”

Thanks for being in the audience

“The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” to close out 2022 was another reason I always feel like the luckiest man alive. Thank you to every one of you who showed up in the theater or watched the gig LIVE online. I hope you all come back this year!

Last year we took a run at an audacious theatrical experiment and a lot of you were the most important part of it… the audience. I assemble a cast of Tony Award-winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of one of my scripts that’s now moving forward. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer.)

This play is finding its Creative champions to bring it to Life in this coming year. It will kick the door open for several other scripts. Before the reading of “Jack Flew” at the heights of the pandemic, we mounted a LIVE online reading of my newest play, “THE GREEN ROOM”. As many of you know, I feel the time has come for me to make the transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright… to get off the stage, sit in the dark with all of you, and allow my characters to speak to the world. Perhaps I can help hasten the day when “religion” is a curious, dark memory for the human race. (I have my own fun way of helping to achieve that goal!)


During the years of the pandemic I figured out a way to Create music videos in which everyone on “It’s Just Us” could participate. What a blast! Here’s just one of them!

CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4

NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



About TODAY…

Please show up online!

It’s always such a tough call!

As I make the transition from a Life in music to a career as a playwright, change is happening all around me. I’ve been “That Guitar Man from Central Park” for over 30 years.

This morning was one of those “crazy-making” mornings weather-wise. We were gonna try to be back at “The Hill”. But it’s hot and it’s muggy and it’s gross… and I predict the rain will begin around 2:30 or 3:00

We’re callin’ it a rain-out, so we’ll hang out LIVE online. Click on the banner below will at 3:00 (eastern). Even if you live in a different part of the country or a different part of the world, you can still hang with us LIVE online starting at 3:00.

OF COURSE you don’t have to… but if you wanna help me get through the tough days like this, here are a couple of ways.

VENMO — @thatguitarman

We’ll also continue our twice-weekly, international LIVE stream called “It’s Just Us” all year. We’ll stream from my studio. So no matter where in the country you live, or where in the world you are you can hang with us… LIVE!



This is the last time our annual tradition will be at Merkin Concert Hall. So I think you’ll wanna be a part of this as we say good bye to both 2023 and the venue we called home for so many years.
Call a few friends, make a plan and grab the seats you really want early. This is the year to fill the place with music and laughs and Love and sweet people… on December 16. Don’t get sold out of this one!

“It’s Just Us”

At the onset of the pandemic years ago, we created a casual music hang that streams LIVE twice a week. Since then it’s grown into a beautiful, little community of fun people from all across the country and different parts of the world.

We usually go LIVE on Wednesdays at 4:00. And Saturdays we go LIVE from Central Park at 3:00. (Unless it’s a rain-out or an off-week. Then we stream LIVE from my studio.)

When you join us at Patreon for whatever you’d like to pay, you automatically get email notification about every time we get together. It’s easy and it’s really pretty cool.


YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a fiercely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to keep my head above water with these online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want through PayPal.

Seriously… thank you.
Check my Facebook page to keep in touch. https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman
Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


Things are getting really, really interesting. I have a feeling everything is about to break wide open all at once. (Anybody who jumps on board is in for a fun ride.) Two of my stage plays are very close to getting on their feet… one here in NYC and one out on The West Coast. (Email me and I can tell you more about that:  thatguitarman@yahoo.com.)

BUT — a holiday romantic comedy musical I co-wrote with the brilliant composer David Friedman is being reworked into a made-for-streaming TV movie. That’s another whole new world for me.

I’ll tell you all about this stuff on “It’s Just Us”. See you later this week.

MOMENTS from “The Hill”

Thanks for being in the audience

“The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” to close out 2022 was another reason I always feel like the luckiest man alive. Thank you to every one of you who showed up in the theater or watched the gig LIVE online.

Last year we took a run at an audacious theatrical experiment and a lot of you were the most important part of it… the audience. I assemble a cast of Tony Award-winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of one of my scripts that’s now moving forward. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer.)

This play is finding its Creative champions to bring it to Life in this coming year. It will kick the door open for several other scripts. Before the reading of “Jack Flew” at the heights of the pandemic, we mounted a LIVE online reading of my newest play, “THE GREEN ROOM”. As many of you know, I feel the time has come for me to make the transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright… to get off the stage, sit in the dark with all of you, and allow my characters to speak to the world. Perhaps I can help hasten the day when “religion” is a curious, dark memory for the human race. (I have my own fun way of helping to achieve that goal!)


During the years of the pandemic I figured out a way to Create music videos in which everyone on “It’s Just Us” could participate. What a blast! Here’s just one of them! CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4


NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



Things change. But…

Another “Typically Amazing” Day

As I make the transition from a Life in music to a career as a playwright, change is happening all around me. We’re into our 32nd summer at “The Hill” in Central Park and I’ll see you there again on Saturday, July 22! I’ll start the music around 1:00 and, as usual, hang out all afternoon until around 5:00.

Then of course, I’ll see you LIVE online next WEDNESDAY at 4:00 (eastern)  “It’s Just Us”

(Details further down the page.)


  We had a wonderful time last time we were out there at “The Hill”.

The crowd was smaller than usual. But I shared music and smiles with lots of sweet people. Denise sang with me again. The Goose Whisperer was on duty. And a young singer from Dallas names Sloane jumped in to share a song.

The next date is this coming Saturday, July 22.

 (There is a map further down the page.)

We’ll get together LIVE online this WEDNESDAY on “It’s Just Us”


“It’s Just Us”

At the onset of the pandemic years ago, we created a casual music hang that streams LIVE twice a week. Since then it’s grown into a beautiful, little community of fun people from all across the country and different parts of the world. We always go LIVE on Wednesdays at 4:00.  On off-Saturdays we go LIVE at 3:00. When you join us at Patreon for whatever you’d like to pay, you automatically get email notification about every time we get together. It’s easy and it’s really pretty cool.


YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a fiercely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to keep my head above water with these online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want through PayPal.

Seriously… thank you.

Check my Facebook page to keep in touch. https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman

Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


Things are getting really, really interesting. I have a feeling everything is about to break wide open all at once. (Anybody who jumps on board is in for a fun ride.) Two of my stage plays are very close to getting on their feet… one here in NYC and one out on The West Coast. (Email me and I can tell you more about that:  thatguitarman@yahoo.com.)

BUT — a holiday romantic comedy musical I co-wrote with the brilliant composer David Friedman is being reworked into a made-for-streaming TV movie. That’s another whole new world for me.

I’ll tell you all about this stuff on “It’s Just Us”. See you at the usual time Wednesday… 4:00 (eastern).

WHERE are we in Central Park?

MOMENTS from “Opening Day”

Thanks for being in the audience

“The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” to close out 2022 was another reason I always feel like the luckiest man alive. Thank you to every one of you who showed up in the theater or watched the gig LIVE online.

Last year we took a run at an audacious theatrical experiment and a lot of you were the most important part of it… the audience. I assemble a cast of Tony Award-winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of one of my scripts that’s now moving forward. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer.)

This play is finding its Creative champions to bring it to Life in this coming year. It will kick the door open for several other scripts. Before the reading of “Jack Flew” at the heights of the pandemic, we mounted a LIVE online reading of my newest play, “THE GREEN ROOM”. As many of you know, I feel the time has come for me to make the transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright… to get off the stage, sit in the dark with all of you, and allow my characters to speak to the world. Perhaps I can help hasten the day when “religion” is a curious, dark memory for the human race. (I have my own fun way of helping to achieve that goal!)


During the years of the pandemic I figured out a way to Create music videos in which everyone on “It’s Just Us” could participate. What a blast! Here’s just one of them! CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4

NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



See you in Central Park…

An amazing time…

As I make the transition from a Life in music to a career as a playwright, change is happening all around me. We’re into our 32nd summer at “The Hill” in Central Park and I’ll see you there again this  Saturday, May 27

AND… we’ll get together LIVE online next Wednesday on “It’s Just Us”

Welcome to the site… welcome to my life. Okay, this is a very weird time to be me! I’ve been “That Guitar Man from Central Park” for over 30 years. Weather-permitting I’ll be out in Central Park again this coming Saturday, starting the music around 1:00 and, as usual, hanging out all afternoon until around 5:30.

And Saturdays we also go LIVE online from Central Park at 3:00. (Unless it’s a rain-out or an off-week. Then we stream LIVE from my studio.)


“It’s Just Us”

At the onset of the pandemic years ago, we created a casual music hang that streams LIVE twice a week. Since then it’s grown into a beautiful, little community of fun people from all across the country and different parts of the world. We go LIVE on Wednesdays at 4:00.  When you join us at Patreon for whatever you’d like to pay, you automatically get email notification about every time we get together. It’s easy and it’s really pretty cool.


YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a fiercely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to keep my head above water with these online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want through PayPal.

Seriously… thank you.

Check my Facebook page to keep in touch. https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


Things are getting really, really interesting. I have a feeling everything is about to break wide open all at once. (Anybody who jumps on board is in for a fun ride.) Two of my stage plays are very close to getting on their feet… one here in NYC and one out on The West Coast. (Email me and I can tell you more about that:  thatguitarman@yahoo.com.)

BUT — a holiday romantic comedy musical I co-wrote with the brilliant composer David Friedman is being reworked into a made-for-streaming TV movie. That’s another whole new world for me.

I’ll tell you all about this stuff on “It’s Just Us”. See you at the usual time Wednesday… 4:00 (eastern).

MOMENTS from “Opening Day”

Thanks for being in the audience

“The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” to close out 2022 was another reason I always feel like the luckiest man alive. Thank you to every one of you who showed up in the theater or watched the gig LIVE online.

Last year we took a run at an audacious theatrical experiment and a lot of you were the most important part of it… the audience. I assemble a cast of Tony Award-winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of one of my scripts that’s now moving forward. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer.)

This play is finding its Creative champions to bring it to Life in this coming year. It will kick the door open for several other scripts. Before the reading of “Jack Flew” at the heights of the pandemic, we mounted a LIVE online reading of my newest play, “THE GREEN ROOM”. As many of you know, I feel the time has come for me to make the transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright… to get off the stage, sit in the dark with all of you, and allow my characters to speak to the world. Perhaps I can help hasten the day when “religion” is a curious, dark memory for the human race. (I have my own fun way of helping to achieve that goal!)


During the years of the pandemic I figured out a way to Create music videos in which everyone on “It’s Just Us” could participate. What a blast! Here’s just one of them! CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4

NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



I’m a lucky, lucky man…

And I know it!

As I make the transition from a Life in music to a career as a playwright, change is happening all around me. But still… we were out at “The Hill” in Central Park again lastSaturday. And even though we were dealing with the “Japan Day” parade… we had a wonderful time sharing music and memories and smiles.

AND… we’ll get together LIVE online this Saturday on “It’s Just Us”

Welcome to the site… welcome to my life. Okay, this is a very weird time to be me! I’ve been “That Guitar Man from Central Park” for over 30 years.

The Parks Department did not issue the permit for which I applied for this coming weekend. So we’ll do a very special edition of “It’s Just Us”. (We’ll crank it up at the regular Saturday time… 3:00 eastern.)

THEN — weather-permitting I’ll be out in Central Park again on Saturday, May 27 starting the music around 1:00 and, as usual, hanging out all afternoon until around 5:30. THERE ARE A FEW PHOTOS FROM “OPENING DAY” FURTHER DOWN THE PAGE.

“It’s Just Us”

At the onset of the pandemic years ago, we created a casual music hang that streams LIVE twice a week. Since then it’s grown into a beautiful, little community of fun people from all across the country and different parts of the world. We go LIVE on Wednesdays…  at 4:00. And Saturdays we go LIVE from Central Park at 3:00. (Unless it’s a rain-out or an off-week. Then we stream LIVE from my studio.)  When you join us at Patreon for whatever you’d like to pay, you automatically get email notification about every time we get together. It’s easy and it’s really pretty cool.


YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a fiercely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to keep my head above water with these online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want through PayPal.

Seriously… thank you.

Check my Facebook page to keep in touch. https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


Things are getting really, really interesting. I have a feeling everything is about to break wide open all at once. (Anybody who jumps on board is in for a fun ride.) Two of my stage plays are very close to getting on their feet… one here in NYC and one out on The West Coast. (Email me and I can tell you more about that:  thatguitarman@yahoo.com.)

BUT — a holiday romantic comedy musical I co-wrote with the brilliant composer David Friedman is being reworked into a made-for-streaming TV movie. That’s another whole new world for me.

I’ll tell you all about this stuff on “It’s Just Us”. See you at the usual time Wednesday… 4:00 (eastern).

MOMENTS from “The Hill” 

Thanks for being in the audience

“The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” to close out 2022 was another reason I always feel like the luckiest man alive. Thank you to every one of you who showed up in the theater or watched the gig LIVE online.

Last year we took a run at an audacious theatrical experiment and a lot of you were the most important part of it… the audience. I assemble a cast of Tony Award-winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of one of my scripts that’s now moving forward. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer.)

This play is finding its Creative champions to bring it to Life in this coming year. It will kick the door open for several other scripts. Before the reading of “Jack Flew” at the heights of the pandemic, we mounted a LIVE online reading of my newest play, “THE GREEN ROOM”. As many of you know, I feel the time has come for me to make the transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright… to get off the stage, sit in the dark with all of you, and allow my characters to speak to the world. Perhaps I can help hasten the day when “religion” is a curious, dark memory for the human race. (I have my own fun way of helping to achieve that goal!)


During the years of the pandemic I figured out a way to Create music videos in which everyone on “It’s Just Us” could participate. What a blast! Here’s just one of them! CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4

NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.



See you in Central Park!

An amazing time…

As I make the transition from a Life in music to a career as a playwright, change is happening all around me.

I’ve been “That Guitar Man from Central Park” for over 30 years. And we’ll be back at “The Hill” TODAY. I’ll start the music around 1:00 and, as usual, hang out all afternoon until around 5:30.

But… if you live in a different part of the country or a different part of the world, you can still hang with us LIVE online from Central Park starting at 3:00 (eastern).

We’ll also continue our twice-weekly, international LIVE stream called “It’s Just Us”. We’ll stream from my studio on Tuesday at 4:00 (eastern) this week… and LIVE from Central Park again on Saturday, May 27. So no matter where in the country you live, or where in the world you are you can hang with us… LIVE!

If you’re heading out to Central Park in person, it’s best to enter the park at West 77th Street and go straight down to The Lake.

PERMIT FUND: Between the Parks Dept and the NYPD… and the granola bars… it cost about $100 to get out to “The Hill” each weekend. (Don’t worry. I pay for everything up front in January.) But if you wanna help out… every nickel is so appreciated.
VENMO — @thatguitarman

“It’s Just Us”

At the onset of the pandemic years ago, we created a casual music hang that streams LIVE twice a week. Since then it’s grown into a beautiful, little community of fun people from all across the country and different parts of the world. We go LIVE on Wednesdays at 4:00. And Saturdays we go LIVE from Central Park at 3:00. (Unless it’s a rain-out or an off-week. Then we stream LIVE from my studio.)  When you join us at Patreon for whatever you’d like to pay, you automatically get email notification about every time we get together. It’s easy and it’s really pretty cool.


YOU GET THE ID AND THE PASSCODE for every private hang at Patreon.

If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE

As a fiercely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to keep my head above water with these online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want through PayPal.

Seriously… thank you.

Check my Facebook page to keep in touch. https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman

Quick Comment — I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


Things are getting really, really interesting. I have a feeling everything is about to break wide open all at once. (Anybody who jumps on board is in for a fun ride.) Two of my stage plays are very close to getting on their feet… one here in NYC and one out on The West Coast. (Email me and I can tell you more about that:  thatguitarman@yahoo.com.)

BUT — a holiday romantic comedy musical I co-wrote with the brilliant composer David Friedman is being reworked into a made-for-streaming TV movie. That’s another whole new world for me.

I’ll tell you all about this stuff on “It’s Just Us”. See you at the usual time Wednesday… 4:00 (eastern).

MOMENTS from “The Hill”

Thanks for being in the audience

“The Something’th Annual Year End Concert” to close out 2022 was another reason I always feel like the luckiest man alive. Thank you to every one of you who showed up in the theater or watched the gig LIVE online.

Last year we took a run at an audacious theatrical experiment and a lot of you were the most important part of it… the audience. I assemble a cast of Tony Award-winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of one of my scripts that’s now moving forward. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer.)

This play is finding its Creative champions to bring it to Life in this coming year. It will kick the door open for several other scripts. Before the reading of “Jack Flew” at the heights of the pandemic, we mounted a LIVE online reading of my newest play, “THE GREEN ROOM”. As many of you know, I feel the time has come for me to make the transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright… to get off the stage, sit in the dark with all of you, and allow my characters to speak to the world. Perhaps I can help hasten the day when “religion” is a curious, dark memory for the human race. (I have my own fun way of helping to achieve that goal!)


During the years of the pandemic I figured out a way to Create music videos in which everyone on “It’s Just Us” could participate. What a blast! Here’s just one of them! CLICK TO WATCH https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4


NOW… Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
ROCK ON! Thanks so much for hangin’ out.

