“It’s Just Us” — TODAY !
Even as I make the transition from a Life as a singer/songwriter to a career as a playwright, I realize what a lucky man I am and that I still have a lot of music to share with all of you. This online global community that we Created because of the pandemic has continued to be… well… something very cool.
So I’ll see you again today at 4:00 (eastern) I know that’s a weird start time for those of you here in New York City. But we need to accommodate all the sweet friends we’ve made across the ocean in places like Switzerland, The Netherlands, Germany and The UK. If you’re not a patron yet and you want the link for today, shoot me an email (thatguitarman@yahoo.com) But it’s best to just join us at Patreon and get the link automatically twice a week!
If you wanna support “It’s Just Us” CLICK THE BANNER TO DONATE
As a completely independent artist, I had to figure out a way to make a living with the online gigs. So if you wanna help out, you can throw as much or as little as you want at “It’s Just Us”!
We started doing it at the onset of the pandemic, but it’s so much fun and we’ve made so many wonderful friends that we’re gonna keep it going. COME JOIN US! Last Saturday you guys came out and we had a cool time sharing music and laughs and Life and Love out there in Central Park. You guys are the best! It was another “typically amazing” day. We’ll talk about when we get together LIVE on “It’s Just Us”.
Young Jess from Austin, Texas showed up last week!
It’s amazing in Central Park. But when we get together online we sing together. We dance together. And we don’t even hafta leave our homes. Fun people from New York City, California, West Virginia, Maine, Missouri, Indiana, Long Island, The Netherlands, The UK, Spain, Estonia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Las Vegas, North Carolina, Arkansas, Maryland…
OH! And thanks for being in the audience
Last year we took a run at a magnificent theatrical experiment and a lot of were a part of it… maybe the most important part. The audience. I assembled a cast of Tony Award winners, veteran actors, exciting newcomers… just incredible artists to do a LIVE online reading of this audacious script. (Chuck Cooper, Austin Pendleton, Jillian Louis, Teresa Reynolds, Jamal Thomas, David Andino, Paul Olson — stage directions read by Gretchen Cryer)
Looks like this play has found a few Creative champions to move it to Broadway, probably later this year. It will be my first on Broadway and kick the door open for a few other plays and musicals. I’ll let you all know!!!
After the reading that night we’ll all retreated back to my Facebook page for comments and discussion. It was very cool. Before that, during the height of the pandemic, we enjoyed a LIVE reading of my newest play “GREEN ROOM”.
Many of you know I’ve been making a transition from a Life as a songwriter to a career as a playwright. I feels like the time is right to sit in the dark with you guys and allow my characters to help hasten the day that “religion” becomes a memory for the human race. A percentage of my work is always dedicated to that goal… but I have my own fun way of making that a reality one day.
Over the course of the past 2+ years we started to Create music videos together… to help keep us sane and connected. Here’s one of the most recent videos that a bunch of you jumped in on.
CLICK TO WATCH: https://youtu.be/IK0slIasdJ4
Even though our entire season in Central Park was canceled in 2020 and shortened in ’21… we’re making some new and exciting things happen in 2022.
No kidding. Last summer was an abbreviated and very weird season in Central Park, but it was another year I had the privilege of being “That Guitar Man from Central Park”. I wanna sincerely thank every single one of you who showed up, even for one day out there at “The Hill” You make me feel like the luckiest man alive. Here are a whole bunch of photos from our 2019 season.
Incredible. I love this town!!! I’m such a lucky man!
Every week we turn the path into a dance floor.
I’m still consistently amazed. Every time… just blown away by what I get to do with a guitar on my shoulder.
Music, laughs, stories, thoughts, feelings…
Please visit my Facebook page and leave comments on anything you want, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is TRUMPISM. As my song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!
Thanks so much for hangin’ out.