How many different ways can I say…
No kidding. From the bottom of my heart… if you were in that theater, or if you were one of the people who were hanging with us online — THANK YOU.
If you wanted to hear a song last night, and I wasn’t able to get it into the set… show up today at 5:00 eastern and we’ll play a whole bunch of them. It’ll be fun. AND… you might wanna start making “The Weekly Show” as regular… um… uh… “WEEKLY” thing!
LIVE… online. (It’s very cool.)
If you’ve never hung out with us “online”… try it today. Just sit at your computer or device and hang out with people from New York City, from different parts of the country and different parts of the world. (I’ll bring the guitar.)
5:00 est — 4:00 central — 3:00 mountain — 2:00 pacific
There’s a chat room so you can make requests or just chat with the other people hanging out! All you hafta do is log-in and join us. Go to the Concert Window and set it up right now, okay? (Don’t be spooked by the “credit card” thing. We’ve been doing this for over a year. It’s safe and it really, really does cost you as little or a much as you wanna pay. Whatever you want.)
Y’know, we have people hangin’ out with us in the chat room every week from all over… Willie in Maine, Jana in New York City, Lucy and Al in West Virginia, Henner in Germany, Menni in Amsterdam, Angelique in The Netherlands, Dave in Ohio. We all introduce ourselves, and then share some music and laughs. I think this week is gonna be a great crowd!!!
And from last night, thank you… Allie, Rhea, Karen, Duvall, Andrea… everybody.
Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Dean Love was in the house with his crew so, very soon, I will be posting video from the amazing time we shared. Those wonderful photographers David Hayase and Sean Friedman were both in the house, so we’ll have lots of amazing images to share as well. Damn! We had fun!
I hope you needed it as much as I did.
I’ll be back soon.
(Scroll down to browse previous updates.)