After the concert… I’ve got one more thing I hafta do for a colleague this week. Then it’s time to start editing some really fun video from Saturday night. Time to relax into a groove for “The Weekly Show” every Sunday. But mostly, time to enjoy that feeling of… “I think we did okay!”
I’ll be back with photos and video from the concert. And I’ll be back in the Concert Window for some really special Sunday editions of “The Weekly Show”… our online session where I stream LIVE right from my studio in New York City to all of you guys across the country and around the world. (There’s a chat room and everything so we can all char about stuff in real time. It’s very cool.)
But first, how many different ways can I say…
No kidding. From the bottom of my heart… if you were in that theater, or if you were one of the people who were hanging with us online — THANK YOU.
Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Dean Love was in the house with his crew so, very soon, I will be posting video from the amazing time we shared. Those wonderful photographers David Hayase and Sean Friedman were both in the house, so we’ll have lots of amazing images to share as well. Damn! We had fun!
LAST SATURDAY WE KICKED 2017 IN THE ASS AS IT HEADS OUT THE DOOR! But I’ll celebrate the good times we shared with the sweet people we hung out with all year.
Here are a few shots from another weekend.
If YOU have any photos or video from this past summer, please shoot them to me on Facebook, okay?
Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
I know. I know. For reasonable, sane people this has been a tough year so far in this bizarre Trump Reality Show. But we’re in it together and we have work to do. Today I’m gonna share a feel good video from our “Year End Concert” at Merkin Concert Hall here in New York City last year.
First, the concert video…
Today, I find myself sitting on top of 3 incredible Creative projects that seem to be exploding into the world as I’m writing this: the new play “The Green Room” – the video for the song “Dreamers Like Me” – and the Creation of a NEW MUSICAL… which is the off-spring of the workshopped musical “Possibility Junkie”.
Here are a few images from last year’s concert.
I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is Donald J Trump. As my new song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!
There’s always lots of really current and fun stuff on FACEBOOK, too. You can send a friend request and join me over there:
Thanks so much for hangin’ out.