After last week…

Boy! I needed that!

No kidding. THANK YOU!

This was a tough week for me personally, but it was a tough week for all of us… nationally. The disgraceful people in our White House and the disgraceful racists, white supremacists and Nazis in this country made it a difficult week for all decent people everywhere. But we did what we do in Central Park this weekend… and the feeling was incredible.

Before I get to anything else… let’s share this song!!!

I need YOU to share it all across the country and around the world. Share it on Facebook. Share it on Twitter and Instagram. Share it with your neighbors and friends.


Thank YOU for showing up. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.

I know. I know. For reasonable, sane people this is another tough week. But we’re in it together and we have work to do. Today I’m gonna share a feel good video from our “Year End Concert” at Merkin Concert Hall here in New York City last December.

First, the concert video…

Today, I find myself sitting on top of 3 incredible Creative projects that seem to be exploding into the world as I’m writing this: the new play “The Green Room” – the video for the song “Dreamers Like Me” – and the Creation of a NEW MUSICAL… which is the off-spring of the workshopped musical “Possibility Junkie”.

Here are a few images from the recent concert, captured by our photographers friends David Hayase and Sean Friedman.






I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is Donald J Trump. As the song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” but until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


We plan on releasing at least 2 different versions of this song..

There’s always lots of really current and fun stuff on FACEBOOK, too. You can send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.

