Thanks for showing up online, but…

…let’s head back to Central Park!

SORRY I COULDN’T BE AT “THE HILL” THIS PAST WEEKEND! I would be out at “The Hill” in Central Park every Saturday if I could be. But I also need The Parks Department to issue the Special Events Permit for which I apply. Some weekends they don’t. Last weekend was one of those.

So instead, on Saturday I went over to the protest march at Trump Tower, to protest the insanity and disgrace that is Donald Trump and his family in the Oval Office. (Here’s one side of the sign I carried.)

On Sunday, we streamed LIVE from my apartment and had fun doing another segment of “The Weekly Show”. Thanks to all of you who showed up.

But this coming weekend we’ll be back together in Central Park. Here are some moments captured from the last weekend we were together out there.

OH!!! By the way… I am raising money again for the “Permit Fund”. It’s just something I do every year if you feel like being a part of the gig and helping to take care of some of the overhead involved in getting out to Central Park on Saturdays throughout the summer. All of the permit fees are paid for… the Special Events Permits and the Sound Device Permits from the NYPD. But… if you think you would like to help out in that regard, every year I do a little something called the “Permit Fund”. (It’s only there if you can afford to help and if you feel like it.)

And thank YOU for showing up here today. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.

If you’re new around here or you don’t know what any of the means, let me explain.

Every Saturday afternoon for the past 25 years I have been known in this town as “That Guitar Man from Central Park”. I just head out to a spot by a grassy little hill right near The Lake, I put my guitar on my shoulder… and something amazing happens. I really feel like the luckiest man alive.

I know. I know. For reasonable, sane people this is another tough week. But we’re in it together and we have work to do. I’m gonna start off today with a feel good video from our “Year End Concert” at Merkin Concert Hall here in New York City.  And then further down, I’ll share a few more examples of why I feel like the luckiest man alive.

First, the concert video…

Today, I find myself sitting on top of 3 incredible Creative projects that seem to be exploding into the world as I’m writing this: the new play “The Green Room” – the video for the song “Dreamers Like Me” – and the Creation of a NEW MUSICAL… which is the off-spring of the workshopped musical “Possibility Junkie”.

HEY… okay… another concert video.

Here are a few images from the recent concert, captured by our photographers friends David Hayase and Sean Friedman.






I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is Donald J Trump. As the song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” But until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!


There’s always lots of really current and fun stuff on FACEBOOK, too. You can send a friend request and join me over there:


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.

