No kidding guys. Thanks so much to every one of you who showed up for that little thing we do every Sunday, LIVE online. (The Weekly Show) It was another really cool hang this week. I love being able to sit in my apartment with my guitar on my shoulder and hang out with you guys in different parts of the country and different parts of the world. It’s really very cool.
And thank YOU for showing up here today. If you’re new around here… WELCOME! If you don’t follow me on Facebook, go there now and then keep checking back.
Gotta tell you guys, my Creative soul is on fire these days. There is so much going on for me as a playwright and as a songwriter. A few weeks ago, I did all the paperwork for our outdoor season in Central Park this year. Believe it or not, I have been an under-the-radar, fiercely independent singer/songwriter for over 25 years now. I’m a very, very lucky man and maybe the luckiest independent artist I know.
And my newest play “The Green Room” is in the process of being cast. Okay, it’s a bizarre process in a lot of ways, but I’ll update you guys here as things progress.
Y’know what? Today… I think I’ll just post a whole bunch of fun photos, songs and videos.
HERE’S THE NEWEST SONG. (An answer to Trump-ism… inspired by Trump voters, but dedicated to the rest of us.
And to give you a smile today… here’s the first concert video from our gig at Merkin Concert Hall here in NYC last December. Man we had a good time.
First, the concert video…
Okay, and now you’ll see why I’m excited about my newest song. I have a feeling it might actually make it’s way into the score of a new musical I’m developing. These things are so inter-connected lately. It’s amazing.
These things are so inter-connected lately. It’s amazing.
So I think you get the idea…
For the past 25 years I have made a living and a Life as an artist. Okay it’s been almost completely under-the-radar, but that almost makes it more fascinating to me. I’m not a famous artist — just one who writes songs and sings them for people… hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people. I’m just a man who writes plays and experiences amazing actors bringing them to Life. I live a life in which one day rarely resembles the day before… because new ideas, new dreams and new possibilities are born almost every day.
And today, I find myself sitting on top of 3 incredible Creative projects that seem to be exploding into the world as I’m writing this: the new play “The Green Room” – the video for the song “Dreamers Like Me” – and the Creation of a NEW MUSICAL… which is the off-spring of the workshopped musical “Possibility Junkie”.
Look… scroll through some photos to give you and idea what I’m talking about.
Here are a few images from the recent concert, captured by our photographers friends David Hayase and Sean Friedman.
I’m still living this Life with open arms and Love, but ZERO tolerance for people who voted for or continue to support the abomination that is Donald J Trump. As the song says, “I hope they feel like joining us someday.” but until that day, the rest of us have work to do!!!
There’s always lots of really current and fun stuff on FACEBOOK, too. You can send a friend request and join me over there:
Thanks so much for hangin’ out.