Hope you had a wonderful day…

Another Christmas in the history books…

Okay, time for me to take a week to kinda re-group, relax, re-evaluate. Think about the coming year with hope and possibility, and glance back at the past year without staring.


I’m also thinking about doing a special edition of “The Weekly Show” one day this week. D’you feel like showing up for something like that? Maybe do a show LIVE online that does exactly what I was just talking about… maybe we can share a few songs and chat about the coming year with hope and possibility, and glance back at the past year without staring. If you think you would like to hang out before the end of the year, email me at:  thatguitarman@yahoo.com

I just wrote it and it’s called “Dreamers Like Me”. I feel pretty passionate about wanting to get it our to the world before January 20. It’s the one I opened the concert with. In the coming weeks I wanna tell the story about how and why I wrote it.

It was inspired by tens of millions of misguided people in this country, but dedicated to many, many millions more of my fellow dreamers.


The first line of the song — “Like the arrow of time, progress only moves one way — forward… it’s unstoppable direction.”

Please do me a favor. Share this song with EVERYONE you know. We all have work to do in the next year.


We plan on releasing at least 2 different versions of this song..

Let me just leave you today with a few images from the concert last weekend, captured by our photographers friends David Hayase and Sean Friedman.






There’s always lots of really current and fun stuff on FACEBOOK, too. You can send a friend request and join me over there: https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman


Thanks so much for hangin’ out.

