I’ll have news about the new song…
I’ve been in the studio this week, recording a song that is an answer to a lot of the angst that has been shared with me by lots of people since election day. Now, here’s something kinda cool that happens often… I’ll write a song for others to hear and it turns out to be something I really need to hear myself. That was the case with this song, “Dreamers Like Me”. I’m gonna share it with you guys this coming Sunday on “The Weekly Show”. I hope you feel like a making a note and showing up to join us this weekend. (Scroll further down the page to join us on Sunday.)
OH LISTEN!!! If YOU wanna help with the cost of getting it out to the world, if YOU wanna help make that happen, we’re raising the money to do it right. Here’s the place to donate.
And then we’ll talk about it this coming Sunday.
Every week we have people from all across the country and in different parts of the world, hanging out in the chat room in real-time.
Make a note for yourself to join us this Sunday. If you’ve hung out with us in the Concert Window before, you know what a cool thing it is. Plan on being there this Sunday, but tell a few friends and ask them to meet you in there. We’ll share music and laughs and discussion right here on our computers. I’ll bring the guitar… and stream LIVE from my apartment, okay? We’ll talk about the song… and I’ll share a few stories about how it got written and we can all chat about the dreams we have for 2017.
You can make comments and requests and chat with people from all across the country and around the world.
Don’t be spooked by the “credit card” thing. We’ve been doing this for over a year. It’s safe and it really, really does cost you as little or a much as you wanna pay. Whatever you want. Just click on this banner, set it up, and then log-in a little before…
5:00 eastern — 4:00 central — 3:00 mountain — 2:00 pacific
Make sure you spread the word. Tell your friends everywhere, no matter where in the country they live to start checking in here. Give them the link to Concert Window and ask them to join us in the chat room, okay? And ask them to join me on my Facebook Page. (https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman )
Let me just leave you today with a few images from the concert last weekend, captured by our photographers friends David Hayase and Sean Friedman.
There’s always lots of really current and fun stuff on FACEBOOK, too. You can send a friend request and join me over there: https://www.facebook.com/david.thatguitarman
Thanks so much for hangin’ out. See you tomorrow.